Within our society of intimidation, I stand grounded on an immense stone foundation of kindness and support. I lead as an example of joy, joy as an act of resistance.

I explore my personhood though the methodology of utilizing a lifetime of technical prowess in the arts with the approach of the initial eureka of a note jotted on a napkin.

With this unique skill I stew a multitude of conversations and broad spanning concepts that add to the unified vibrancy of this very life, this very moment. I allow the umbrella of art, which covers all human perspectives, to simmer, let the solutions of present universal interpersonal conflict emerge with the scent of a needed completed meal. Within that act of a wise conceptual improvisation, I feast in the act of creation, a need as essential as caloric intake, made as palatable as possible.

I am a celebration through my work, in understanding myself first, broadening that personal euphoria through solution focused positivity and hope. A static reflection of what any of us want to achieve, become, be, remains as my complete body of artwork.



statement performed with the will huff orchestra chicago